Older posts

Villa PC

Een van de redenen waarom ik al enkele jaren weiger nog naar de V.S. te reizen.

Persbericht: Mobile Phone Tracking proving popular with British mums. Bestaat zoiets ook bij ons?

Older posts

Villa PC

Sms text news: “I think that’s it, then, with the iPhone. … A new strategy is required. The geeks have all bought one and many have got theirs unlocked. The Nike wearing Soho crowd have splurged the cash. The wannabes and the
I-must-have-that crowd have weighed in, swapped networks and got their devices.
But that’s it. There’s a ton of people all sitting staring at the iPhone and —
SADLY — (this is the bit that’s winding me up), turning their backs and walking

Older posts

Villa PC

‘In the chaos of the days leading up to the actual destruction of the wall and
the fall of East Germany’s communist government, frantic Stasi agents sent
trucks full of documents to the Papierwolfs and

Older posts

Villa PC

Richard Dijkstra: Je hoeft zelfs niet meer op de koffie te gaan om de vastgelegde momenten met
iemand te delen. Maar hoe is dat over 20 jaar? Is dan alles nog beschikbaar? En
vooral: leesbaar?

Older posts

Villa PC

SmartWater Index will remain detectable on skin and hair for weeks and on
clothing indefinitely. The solution is invisible to the naked eye but any traces
will glow brightly under ultraviolet light. If a criminal is caught with
SmartWater on them, the unique forensic code provides the police service with an
irrefutable link back to the scene of the crime.