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Villa PC

TSA Gangstaz (TSA = Transport Security Administration, ofwel de mislukte fascisten die de vertrouwelijke gegevens in uw notebook of gsm lezen, uw dildo’s in beslag nemen en uw inkopen in de duty free achteroverslaan).

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Villa PC

Register: The ex-chief of a South Korea-based anti-virus firm has been charged with using
bogus security warnings to shift anti-spyware software of questionable value.

Lucratieve afzetterij, en die Koreaan is lang niet de enige.

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Villa PC

Je maakt beter geen ‘opmerkingen’ in een Amerikaans vliegtuig.

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Villa PC

International Telecommunication Union: Damage to several undersea telecom cables that caused outages across the Middle
East and Asia could have been an act of sabotage.

International Herald Tribune: A technical glitch gave the FBI access to the e-mail messages of an entire
computer network – perhaps hundreds of accounts or more – instead of simply the
lone e-mail address that was approved by a secret intelligence court as part of
a national security investigation.

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Villa PC

Do not allow the encryption to activate. Low level encryption such as Vista’s
Whole Disk Encryption (WDE) can halt an investigation. Use HotPlug and Mouse
Jiggler to prevent encryption technologies from activating. If you can carry
away the computer while it’s still logged in, you maintain full access to the
hard drive

Nog een reden waarom ik niet meer naar de V.S. reis: The seizure of electronics at U.S. borders has prompted protests from travelers
who say they now weigh the risk of traveling with sensitive or personal
information on their laptops, cameras or cellphones. In some cases, companies
have altered their policies to require employees to safeguard corporate secrets
by clearing laptop hard drives before international travel.