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Villa PC

Robert Scoble: “It’s easier to create files now than it is to find them.”

Kuro5hin: TrackBack and “other related blog entries” are hypertextual viruses for fucking up Google.

Older posts

Villa PC

Michael Crichton: But now, large-scale computer models are seen as generating data in themselves. No longer are models judged by how well they reproduce data from the real world-increasingly, models provide the data. As if they were themselves a reality. And indeed they are, when we are projecting forward.

Older posts

Villa PC

Nog één jaar en dan kan ik met pensioen: Het aandeel van de 45-plussers in het personeelsbestand van bedrijven uit de informatica- en telecomsector ligt bijzonder laag: minder dan 10 procent.

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Villa PC

The Register: Galileo, the prestigious European satellite navigation system, is under threat by the US military, which wants to degrade its accuracy.

The Economist: The proper analogy for what the internet might evolve into, says Novell’s Mr Nugent, is a public library, a place where readers can browse in relative anonymity, but only until they take a book out, at which point they have to identify themselves. The degree of traceability varies with what one does in such a place.

TV Week: He cites evidence that DVR users are skipping at least two-thirds of all ads. Fifteen percent DVR penetration implies that 9.1 percent of all ads would not be watched and that advertisers would be overpaying by 9.1 percent, or $6.6 billion as calculated from projected 2006 total ad revenues of $72 billion, he said.

Older posts

Villa PC

NYT: As more consumers begin surfing the Web and sending e-mail messages on cellphone and hand-held devices, along comes a new worry: worms and viruses spread via Internet-enabled handsets. Of all the accomplishments in the annals of technology, Fred Cohen’s contribution is undeniably unique: He introduced the term “virus” to the lexicon of computers.

Umberto Eco: Personally, having started my scholarly activity as a medievalist I would like to have at home the 221 volumes of Migne’s Patrologia Latina. This is very expensive, but I could afford it. What I cannot afford is a new apartment in which to store 221 huge books without being obliged to eliminate at least 500 other normal tomes.