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The Register: Galileo, the prestigious European satellite navigation system, is under threat by the US military, which wants to degrade its accuracy.

The Economist: The proper analogy for what the internet might evolve into, says Novell’s Mr Nugent, is a public library, a place where readers can browse in relative anonymity, but only until they take a book out, at which point they have to identify themselves. The degree of traceability varies with what one does in such a place.

TV Week: He cites evidence that DVR users are skipping at least two-thirds of all ads. Fifteen percent DVR penetration implies that 9.1 percent of all ads would not be watched and that advertisers would be overpaying by 9.1 percent, or $6.6 billion as calculated from projected 2006 total ad revenues of $72 billion, he said.

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