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Villa PC

Salon: But the AP survey of morgues in Baghdad and the provinces of Karbala, Kirkuk and Tikrit found 5,558 violent deaths recorded from May 1, 2003, when President Bush declared an end to major combat operations, to April 30. Officials at morgues for three more of Iraq’s 18 provinces either didn’t have numbers or declined to release them.

Register: is set to become the first company to take action under Utah’s new anti-spyware law. Utah is the only state with current spyware legislation, although California and Iowa are considering their own versions of the law.

Seattle Weekly: Computer-voting watchdog Bev Harris is squaring off with federal authorities over the government’s request for information about visitors to her internationally renowned Web site, While Harris is determined to resist the government’s investigation, a national expert on press freedom says the Renton muckraker will almost certainly face extensive fines or jail time if she refuses to cooperate.

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Villa PC ‘Music Industry Unveils New Piracy-Proof Format: A Black, Plastic Disc With Grooves On It’

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Villa PC

Domesday redux: The UK broadcaster Loyd Grossman spoke of the danger that the rapid evolution of computer media and record formats would lead to the irretrievable loss of valuable historic records, and gave the Domesday discs as an example. Back at the office, Jeffrey Darlington found that the BBC Domesday system presented to the Keeper of the Records in 1986 was still in working order, and it was agreed that its collection of images, text, maps and datasets should be preserved for posterity.

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Villa PC

CNN: Bill Gates, among others, is now suggesting that we start buying “stamps” for e-mail.

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Villa PC

Register: It may well yet be Psion’s legacy will be to provide the world with the most popular piece of technology ever, while others reap the reward, and the founders join the long list of forgotten British pioneers. It’s too early to call that one.

MSNBC: Cybersecurity experts say an increasing number of private or putatively secret documents are online in out-of-the-way corners of computers all over the globe, leaving the government, individuals, and companies vulnerable to security breaches.

Neologism: Googledorks

Economist: “When your neighbour loses his job it’s a slowdown (or, if you dislike him, a correction); when you lose yours, it’s a recession; when an economic journalist loses his, that’s a depression.”