Older posts

Villa PC

Sam Williams: Famous programs from just a generation or two ago are in danger of disappearing from human ken, forever.

Older posts

Villa PC

Tom Henderson: E-mail is dead.

Older posts

Villa PC

New Scientist: Intelligent airline seats could automatically alert busy cabin crew to nervous, shifty passengers, who might be terrorists or air-ragers.

Older posts

Villa PC

The Mercury News: An underground group known as the Sims Shadow Government has taken over the fantasy world that is “The Sims Online,” meting out mob justice.

Older posts

Villa PC

Fernando Cassia: Everything indicates that the new head of the AOL division wants to pull the plug entirelly on Netscape.

De Standaard: Volgens de Oost-Vlaamse televisiezender zouden er op 11.784 uitgebrachte stemmen (Kamer én Senaat) 55 verschillen zijn. Geëxtrapoleerd naar het ganse land, betekent dit klein verschil een grote foutenlast. Wat meteen de geloofwaardigheid van het elektronisch stemmen aantast.