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Villa PC

Playing with viewRssBox macro in Frontier. The box pulled in from an rss channel. Why doesn’t this work here? It works now (depends on the feed).

[Macro error: Can’t evaluate the expression because the name “adrSiteRootTable” hasn’t been defined.]

Older posts

Villa PC

“Gebruik XML op zes maanden verdubbeld”, maar XML is populairder in de V.S. dan elders.

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Villa PC

Congrats, Fabio Marangon!

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Villa PC

REBOL/view “makes writing powerful cross-platform GUI apps practically as easy as authoring HTML pages”.

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Under construction, still

I don’t like the byline – madhouse, ok, but what’s a computer addict? Or even addicts? It has to go.

Well, it’s still under construction, while I play with this “flip your homepage” thing.